• Work Experience

    Visiting Researcher: April 2021 - present

    Chemical Water Quality and Health Team, KWR Water Research Institute,
    The Netherlands

    JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow (PD): April 2021 - present

    Molecular Ecology and Health (MEcoH) Lab., Center for Marine Environmental Studies (CMES), Ehime University, Japan

    Visiting Researcher: June 2020 - Mar 2021

    Molecular Ecology and Health (MEcoH) Lab., Center for Marine Environmental Studies (CMES), Ehime University, Japan

    Project Assistant Professor: April 2019 - March 2020

    Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

  • Education

    Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / March 2019

    Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

    Advisor: Professor Fumiyuki Nakajima

    Master of Engineering / March 2016

    Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

    Bachelor of Engineering / March 2014

    Department of Urban Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

  • Research

    Research Interest

    Environmental Engineering


    Sustainability Science

    Research Experiences

    JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow (PD): April 2021 - present

    Molecular Ecology and Health (MEcoH) Lab., Center for Marine Environmental Studies (CMES), Ehime University, Japan


    Visiting Researcher: June 2020 - March 2021

    Molecular Ecology and Health (MEcoH) Lab., Center for Marine Environmental Studies (CMES), Ehime University, Japan


    Collaborative Researcher: April 2019 - March 2020

    Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

    Project: Developing risk assessment methods for chemicals in sediment that consider exposure routes and bioavailability to benthic organisms


    Graduate Research Assistant: April 2016 - March 2019

    Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

    • Risk assessment of chemicals in road dust to aquatic organisms by metabolomics
    • Development and application of a novel model to assess the exposure of aquatic organisms to heavy metals in the environment by metabolomics


    Internship: August 2014 - September 2014

    Division of Water Environment Technology Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. Advisor

  • Publications

    Refereed papers

    • M Yanagihara, K Hiki, Y Iwasaki: Which Distribution to Choose for Deriving a Species SensitivityDistribution? Implications from Analysis of Acute and Chronic Ecotoxicity Data, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 278, 116379, 2024. (doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.116379 )
    • M Yanagihara, K Hiki, Y Iwasaki: Can Chemical Toxicity in Saltwater Be Predicted from Toxicity in Freshwater? A Comprehensive Evaluation Using Species Sensitivity Distributions, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 41: 2021-2027, 2022. ( doi: 10.1002/etc.5354)
    • M Yanagihara, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Development and application of a metabolomic tool to assess exposure of an estuarine amphipod to pollutants in the environment, Science of the Total Environment, 752, 141988, 2021.
    • T Atmaja, M Yanagihara, K Fukushi: GEOSPATIAL VALUATION OF URBAN FARMING IN IMPROVING CITIES RESILIENCE: A CASE OF MALANG CITY, INDONESIA, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B5-2020, 107–113, 2020.
    • M Yanagihara, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Effect of control sediment composition on the metabolomic responses of Grandidierella japonica during toxicity testing using copper at an acutely toxic level, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 17 (6), 386-394, 2019.
    • M Yanagihara, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Metabolomic responses of an estuarine benthic amphipod to heavy metals at urban-runoff concentrations, Water Science and Technology, 78 (11), 2349-2354, 2018.
    • M Yanagihara, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Predicting effects of copper on reproduction of the estuarine amphipod Grandidierella japonica using metabolic profiles, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), Vol.73, pp.III_535-III_541, 2017.

    Conferences (International)



    • R. P. J. Hoondert*, T. L. ter Laak, M. L. de Baat, M. Yanagihara, T. E. Pronk, D. J. Duarte, S. M. Shaikh, A. Reus, M. M. L. Dingemans: Implementing in silico approaches for human toxicity prediction in the Dutch drinking water sector, SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting (Seville, May 2024) [Poster, peer-reviewed]
    • M. Yanagihara*, K. Hiki, Y. Iwasaki: Which distribution to choose for deriving a species sensitivity distribution?, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting (Dublin, May 2023) [Poster, peer-reviewed]
    • A. Reus, R. Hoondert*, M. Yanagihara, C. Houtman, R. van der Oost, M. Dingemans: Evaluation of combined use of in silico tools and bioassays for hazard assessment of emerging chemicals and transformation products in drinking water, XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) (Maastricht, September 2022) [Poster, peer-reviewed]
    • M. Yanagihara*, K. Hiki, Y. Iwasaki: Predicting saltwater toxicity from freshwater toxicity using species sensitivity distributions, SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting (Copenhagen, May 2022) [Poster, peer-reviewed]
    • M Yanagihara*: Utilization of bioassay for protecting benthic organisms in the water environment, Usable Science Resulting in Impact Series II by Ehime University - De La Salle University International Collaborative Research Laboratory (Webinar, 2021.11) [Oral, Invited talk]
    • M Yanagihara*: A metabolomic tool for assessing toxic effects of urban runoff on aquatic ecosystems, The 1st Symposium of JSPS Core to Core Program “Center of Excellence in Health Risk Assessment for Adaptation to Climate Change” (Manila, 2019.11) [Oral, Invited talk]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Assessment of exposure of chemicals in road dust to an estuarine amphipod by metabolomics, The 19th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (Jeju, 2019.10) [Oral, peer-reviewed]
    • F Miura*, T Watanabe, K Watanabe, M Nishiyama, E Ito, M Yanagihara, K Fukushi: Effect of personal hygiene on norovirus transmission within and among households. The 20th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, International Water Association, Health-Related Water Microbiology (Vienna, September 2019) [Poster, peer-reviewed]
    • N Yamaguchi*, T Tobino, M Yanagihara, F Nakajima: Relationship of fine particles characterized by flow cytometry with filterability of activated sludge in membrane bioreactors, Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019 Programs and Abstracts, p.110 (Osaka, 2019.7) The WET Excellent Presentation Award [Oral and poster, peer-reviewed]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Metabolomic responses of estuarine benthic amphipod to heavy metals in urban runoff relevant concentrations, IWA World Water Congress 2018 (Tokyo, 2018.9) [Oral, peer-reviewed]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Exploration of metabolomic biomarkers in estuarine benthic amphipod for assessing heavy metal exposure in the receiving water environment, the 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage 2017 (Prague, 2017.9) [Oral, peer-reviewed]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Effect of copper on metabolomes of estuarine amphipod Grandidierella japonica, Water and Environment Technology Conference 2015 Programs and Abstracts, p.27 (Tokyo, 2015.8) The WET Excellent Presentation Award [Oral and poster, peer-reviewed]
    • M Yanagihara*, O Modin: Effect of inoculum on microbial electrolysis cell efficiency, Seminar organized by Alliance for global sustainability exchange program, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. (Gothenburg, 2014.9) [Oral]

    Conferences (in Japan)

    • M Yanagihara*, Kyoshiro Hiki, Yuichi Iwasaki: Can chemical toxicity in saltwater be predicted from freshwater toxicity data? An evaluation using species sensitivity distributions, The 55th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Kyoto; Online, 2021.3) [Peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
    • Y Inazumi*, F Nakajima, T Tobino, M Yanagihara: An investigation on ecotoxicity-based prioritization of sediment contaminants, The 54th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Iwate, 2020.3) [Peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
    • F Miura*, M Yanagihara, K Fukushi: Forecasting acute gastroenteritis cases using time series of norovirus concentration in sewage, The 54th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Iwate, 2020.3) [Peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Assessment of ecotoxicity by metabolomic analysis using a high-resolution mass spectrometer: application and challenge, Annual Conference of Society of Environmental Science, Japan (Nagoya, 2019.9) [Oral, peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Development of a tool to assess exposure to contaminants by analyzing metabolomic responses of an estuarine benthic organism with a high-resolution mass spectrometer, The 22nd Symposium of Japan Society on Water Environment (Hokkaido, 2019.9) [Oral, peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Exposure Biomarkers for Toxicants in Sediment by Analyzing Metabolomes of Estuarine Amphipod, The 53rd Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Yamanashi, 2019.3) [Oral, peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Metabolomic characterization of Grandidierella japonica exposed to heavy metals and organic pollutants, The 24th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Environmental Toxicology (Gifu, 2018.9) Poster Award [Poster, in Japanese]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Effect of reference sediment composition in toxicity test on metabolomic responses of Grandidierella japonica, The 52nd Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Hokkaido, 2018.3) [Oral, peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Predicting effects of copper on reproduction of the estuarine amphipod Grandidierella japonica using metabolic profiles, The 54th Forum of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Gifu, 2017.11) [Oral, peer-reviewed, in English]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Metabolomic characterization of estuarine amphipod exposed to heavy metals using high resolution mass spectrometer, The 51st Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Kumamoto, 2017.3) [Oral, peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Predicting chronic effects of copper on amphipod by metabolomics, The 22nd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Environmental Toxicology (Ehime, 2016.9) [Poster, in Japanese]
    • M Yanagihara*, F Nakajima, T Tobino: Assessment of chronic effect on Grandidierella japonica and metabolomic analysis by high resolution mass spectrometer, The 50th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Tokushima, 2016.3) [Oral, peer-reviewed, in Japanese]
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